I hate brush cleaning :(

by - 11:46 AM

Some people go out and party all weekend, while others prefer to stay in. I'm the stay-in type of gal, and I like to take advantage of weekends to get some cleaning and dirty laundry done. And by dirty laundry, I mean make-up brush cleaning.

So today is brush cleaning day, that which I always dread. Can't really remember the last time I cleaned my brushes, must have been over 2 months ago (I do hope you're more religious about this!) For brushes you use every day, I believe you're supposed to wash them every 2 weeks. I've been lazy and have been putting this off since before the holiday break, but no more! We must persevere!

That's all my dirty brushes. These are the brushes I use the most. I don't have too many eye brushes to clean because I rarely wear eyeshadows (just on the weekend, sometimes!)

Consists of mostly Real Techniques brush (synthetic hairs), MAC brushes, an ELF brush and a Loew Cornell brush (natural hairs)
For cleaning my brushes, I use this Parian Spirit Brush Cleanser. I think this is a pretty popular brush cleanser in the States, a lot of make-up artists/YouTube gurus seem to like this, though I didn't know it at the time I bought it. I got this from a local beauty supply store.

Here's what I do:

STEP 1: Soak
First, I take a cup (which I, for obvious reasons, do not use for drinking), put a small amount of the brush cleanser in, put some water in, and soak my brushes in there. (cleanser:water, 1:5) I give them around 3 minutes to soak.

STEP 2: Shampoo
Next, one by one, I take the brush out of the soak, run it under the faucet, then shampoo the brush hairs with some baby shampoo. (I just use J&J baby shampoo for this. Super cheap, gets the job done.)

STEP 3: Rinse
After that, I just rinse the shampoo off, as you would your own hair. You have to be careful though, not to get the metal ferrule of your brush wet, else they can rust, or the glue holding the brush hairs come off.

STEP 4: Towel Dry
After rinsing, I just pat the brushes dry on a tissue, making sure to wipe the metal portions of the brush, so that you prevent any kind of rusting. I do Steps 3 and 4 one by one until all my brushes are done.

STEP 5: Air-Day
Once all my brushes have been patted dry, I lay them out on top of a towel to air-dry. I lay them flat, so that all the moisture goes down to the towel. If I were to place them immediately in my brush holders, then the moisture would go down into the brush head, wearing off the glue holding all the hairs in place. Usually, in the Manila heat, it would just take around 3-4 hours for these to completely dry. Today is a bit rainy and chilly though, so we'll see..

The Parian Spirit Brush Cleanser is also good for spot cleaning. So if maybe you're feeling a bit lazy, this is a good one for that. I just placed some in a spray bottle, spray some onto a sheet of tissue paper, then dab, dab, dab, dab (the night away, the night away!) your brushes in. You'll see all the make-up coming right off!

Cheers to the weekend! We made it!!

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  1. I have a brush cleaner too. I bought it when I was in Korea haha. Expensive din kasi dito. Back then when I didn't have a liquid brush cleaner or until now from time to time, I'd actually use Joy Antibac. Works really great. Really really great. It's also what some make-up stores without their own brush cleaners use, too. After which, I use a shampoo lol.

    Great tip on the being careful not to get liquid on the metal part. Haha. Forgot about that once. You would see the stain on the tissue/towel after.

    1. Wow, you can use Joy Antibac? Will be trying that soon!! Thanks for the reco :)

      Sometimes though, if I run out of the cleanser itself, I'll just use the J&J baby shampoo, works fine too and is super gentle on the brush hairs and you're sure you don't get allergies from using your brush next time (in case any residue is left) :)
